Your New Way to Grow & Manage Leads
Each click on your website represents an invaluable opportunity to better understand the needs and preferences of your customers. By analyzing this valuable information, you could not only save thousands of dollars in misdirected resources, but you could also generate millions in additional revenue. It all starts with the ability to know what and how to measure it.

My 4 Strategy Pillars
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I am Juanjo Grassie
Somehow for me measuring is a passion, and after several years of dedicated work as Digital Marketing strategist, I am proud to be one of a few professionals who can strategize, implement and assess the results of different marketing steps. My experience in digital media buying, implementation for data analysis tools and creativity to grab customers attention in seconds through great copy, allows me to be ready and test content to eventually make micro-improvements which could translate into million saved or earned. It's critical for businesses to understand customer behavior on an online store or real estate landing page and drive better performance as soon as possible.

Growth Marketing Consultant
You are not alone
By harnessing the power of the data you may already have, I can help your business grow. Establishing the right customer journey with targeted and personalized disruptive communication, and marketing strategies that grab the attention of your potential customers